Wednesday, March 25, 2009

First, a few words...

I started this at the encouragement of a friend who had heard me tell stories of moving from New England to Dixie. He found them entertaining, and I guess he felt that such entertainment should be made available for anyone who wanted to find it, so he suggested the web.

Of course, we all know that most people come out her in web land for other forms of entertainment. Nobody really likes to read. I know I don't. Unless I'm at work and then I'm reading because I don't want to work, and my company has blocked all of the video/game/socializing sites.

People come to these sites because they want to be read - not because they want to read. Unless they're at work which is different.

So, I'm not sure that my friend knows what he's talking about.

Still, it is my ambition to one day be read. I want to be a writer which necessarily means that I want to be read. I don't buy into this notion that one can write for themselves and have their work never see the light of day. If a writer never lets any of his or her work be read, then what is the point? Can you really call that writing? No. I don't think so. Ultimately, creation is meant for an observer who can appreciate it. The audience is as important to a symphony as the composer.

To that end, this is my space for writing in public. I hope you enjoy reading it.

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